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Please send me your most embarrassing moments at [email protected]! I might just even post them!!!

my embarassing moment

My embarrassing moment is very simple. I walked into the boys bathroom at school....thank goodness no one was in there O.o...............

Why crush on him when you can crush him? -from Eligirl

I was jogging in gym class and my crush was right in front of me, I wanted to talk to him so I started jogging faster. When I was right behind him I slipped on my shoe laces and fell on him. Like, right on top of him! I started saying sorry but he just got up and left, all embarassed and he wouldn't talk to me for a long time!

Gym dilema -from Kathy

At gym we where doing pushups when my friends started laughing, then the teacher suddenly started going crazy and asking if i needed to go to the hospital, i noticed a wet sensation and looked down at my pants. I was having my period!